Homepage von Dr. med. Ludwig Janus

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Ludwig Janus: The psychodynamics of the consequences of immaturity at birth

Ludwig Janus: Mundus foetalis

Ludwig Janus: Homo foetalis et sapiens

Ludwig Janus: The Fetal Dimension in Human Societies

Ludwig Janus:  Reflections on the Psychological and Psychohistorical Causes of the War in Ukraine and of Wars in General

Ludwig Janus: "Why War"

Ludwig Janus: Cultural Impacts of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology – a Psychohistoric Viewpoint

Ludwig Janus: The Collective Psychological Dimension of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology

Ludwig Janus: Freud and the Prenatal Dimension of Emotional Experience

Ludwig Janus: Thoughts on Some Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalysis

Ludwig Janus: The Enduring Effects of Prenatal Experiencing - Echoes from the Womb -Translated by Terence Dowling

Robert Kramer: Overcoming Trauma: Rank’s Feminist Approach

Robert Kramer: „I Am Boiling with Rage": Why Freud Banished Rank


Lloyd deMause: Restaging Early Traumas in War and Social Violence


View from a position of prenatal and perinatal psychology and medicine

Title and Contents (paging is not valid for the pdfs)
Preface. Grigori Brekhman, Peter Fedor-Freybergh
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine:  New Interdisciplinary Science in the Changing World. Peter Fedor-Freybergh (Sweden, Chech Republic)
The Prenatal and Perinatal Roots of a Later Disposition Towards Violence. Ludwig Janus (Germany)
Birth and Violence. Thomas Verny (Canada)
Perinatal Roots of Violence. Stan Grof (USA)
The Vulnerable Prenate. William R. Emerson (USA)
Abortion Survivors. John C. Sonne (USA)
Baby about Violence. David Chamberlain (USA)
Mother's Experiences - Ours Prenatal Impressions. Jon RG & Troya Turners  (Netherlands)
Violence Begets Violence. Paula Ingalls (USA)
Domestic Violence: Prevalence among Women in Primary Care Center. Mirta Grynbaum, Aya Biderman, Amalia Levy, Selma Petasne-Weinstock (Israel)
Prevalence Domestic Violence among Woman-visitors of specialized polyclinic obstetricians advice. Marina Kuligina, Lubov Posiseeva, Grigori Brekhman (Russia)
Violence Against the Women – Violence Against a New Generation of People. Grigori Brekhman (Israel, Russia)
Concluding Remarks. P. Fedor-Freybergh, G. Brekhman
About the Authors